The setback

I need to get my life together...

Yes people you heard me (tho, I'm not literally saying it)...

Past few weeks has been a very uneventful and unmotivated  week for me. 

It's really weird for me to say that I've been slacking off. Work and my life personally. (Who doesn't have struggled right? Everyone does)

It's just I've come to the point that I've no desire to just start anything. Just waiting for life to happen. But that's just making me look so pathetic... and feel horrible.

Just like how the saying goes "Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you react to it" I read this in "Pinterest"... Well, this time I don't think I take things really well. 

But, It's okay I guess. I am back on my feet anyway... because I don't want to stay like this for the rest of my life. I am done feeling bad for myself. I'll just going to call  it as a setback for me, I'm slowly making my way up again. 

Taking every step with purpose...

focusing on my self growth... Family & Close friend.

but most importantly solely on myself  ♥

Have a good day people... ♥


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